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aces post-traumatic growth trauma Sep 21, 2022
floral dsiplay of leaves, red dahlias, and dark flowers with heading white Beyond by Camilla Slater Elite Coaching

What does it mean to move "beyond," and how do you move "beyond" certain issues when those issues seem like they are not exactly you...but a part of you?

How do you move beyond something....really?


Attachment and Trauma

Many of you know I encourage you to become interested in "attachment styles," and in some cases you're asked to consider these when you work with me one on one. You are asked to take a quick look at your most common or usual attachment style and we work with you on this issue for a little while.

Very often, your own attachment style can block you or prevent you from living fully. This often goes hand in hand with issues from your past that are still unresolved. This is particularly true for those of you with trauma issues or difficult internal obstacles or histories.

And yet the trick is to move beyond these in a seamless and loving and all-embracing way that unites you and your history so that you feel courageous, whole, inspired and energised. You want to do this because it helps you transform and change.

There's a bit of a trick to this and you are shown the machinations of it in the Camilla Slater Coaching programmes and the one on one sessions. 



Heal Your Nervous System

One of the foundation points for this process is healing your nervous system. (It is only ONE of the coaching practices I use as a foundation, but it is a good one...a really good and gorgeous one!)

Easier said than done?

Well...yes and no. I've done it and I show you how to do it. From crippling cptsd symptoms to freedom - to moving beyond old stories and histories to making brand new ones. This has been my life and I live fully free these days from the cptsd symptoms that once wreaked havoc upon my day to day living.

My personal view is this healing process is absolutely best addressed by working with a very astute lived-experience mentor/coach - who has done the work herself and fully understands the processes and subtleties involved. academics and trainings inform this process of course. That is important. But the real juice and jam is found in much more than that. 

It involves connection, compassion, curiosity, commitment, courage, calling, culling, consciousness and conscience, consultation, kindness and even a bit of calamity here and there! (Yes, a little calamity - not too much - can indicate that change is taking place. and when change takes are learning to move BEYOND!)

So...healing your nervous system? takes work and mostly, it takes consistency, which is why you're encouraged to work with me as your coach for periods of time that move beyond a simple one-off session model. (The latter can end up leaving you with a potted experience or grab bag of tools that don't make flowing sense. You know all those tools you might collect from youtube or social media, from this course and that course, from that person or this person? And yet they ALL end up being added to the pile in the corner that is collecting dust as the "go-to" strategy you'll get around to "one day!"  (Know that pile? Another Sisyphean pile in the corner of your mind and your life! We all have them and the trick is to keep them small!)

(It's important to work with one person and a group and then work through this and commit. That's what I honestly encourage, anyway. I feel it's important and ethical to state that, right here and right now.) 

One on one elite sessions or group programmes really DO offer you the kind of backing up and support you need to implement real and permanent and lasting change beyond your old stories and histories. They really do help you to develop sound consistency and transformation over time.


Old Story to New Story

Right here right now, you have the capacity to move beyond the old story of your life and old life path. You have an ability to really do this. Creating new stories from old, and transmuting past difficulties into wise meaning is key to your ongoing evolution and change making. 

But how do you do this without it simply being a case of "spiritual bypass?"  (Spiritual bypass involves stepping into the present as a tool or technique to evade the pains from the past. It is common in New Age circles and literature.) 

When you work with us here, you learn a different process that involves both your old stories and your new stories. You learn to ReStory. You are guided and shown by way of discussion, rethinking, sheets and exercises and practices, HOW to utilise both old story and new story so that you BE and DO your life from my Embodied Praxis™ approach.

Camilla Slater Coaching teaches you HOW to ReStory without leaving the old stories behind.

Truly moving beyond...beyond your old story, beyond your old self and beyond your old and difficult trauma. 

THAT is what it is ALL about.


Your Attachment Style

Really understanding your attachment style flips back into all of this. It flips back into your history and your story and can show you a great deal about what you need to work on. It's another stellar indicator that leaves a breadcrumb line of clues so you uplevel your life process and make the adjustments and changes you're yearning to make.

So, a quick and useful pointer here is: find out your attachment style, learn a little about it and then learn about the new ways to move forward so you can gain greater freedom.

You may want to use this quick quiz which can get you off to a good start. It's fast, clear and simple and designed to give you the outline info that you really need: 




The quiz is short and sweet - about a minute - and is created as a first port of call so you can start to consider old story, new story, current life and the real changes you know you want to make.

Good luck.

We are with you all the way.

Love from Camilla xx



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