Crash and Burn
Aug 17, 2022
Hello there wonderful women and men,
Are you a small business person, coach or entrepreneur, or even a creative, who is struggling to make ends meet, or is so tied to the office chair that there's little time left for anything else?
Is that you?
Are you pushing relentlessly, only to realise that yet again you are in another cycle of crash and burn?
The other day my husband Brett and I were reflecting on our days running the leading boutique chartered accounting firm on the North Island of New Zealand. We were trailblazers - the first firm to hit facebook and roll out a comprehensive marketing plan that landed 2 - yes 2 - fully paid up new clients each week for several years. We did it with finesses, humour, casual approach and a great rapport with staff - who received double the usual holidays per year and were also allowed to stagger these throughout the year so they could align them with the school holiday periods.
We did well. In fact very well. You might even say exceptionally well.
But one of us was very tired. Brett was far tireder than I was, actually. (I had a knack for always living how I choose to live, and worked the marketing side of things from home, from office, from lake, from mountains, from Australia, from days out, from all sorts of vistas and vantage points. I did so and still achieved amazing results, which put us in an exceptionally good position when we eventually sold our firm.)
But we were in our early 50's and decided to live our lives differently. So we sold up and bought our regenerative farm, and fine-tuned how we wanted to love and live.
Now we work AND play at the same time. And we live exactly as we choose.
When Work Is Play
One of the things I've always been rather good at is carving out the kind of pursuits and lifestyle I choose to lead. I've never really been tied to the notion of constraint or even a notion of work that is separate or divorced from fun and joy and even play.
So why am I saying this?
Because I want to invite you to reconsider your relationship with the word "work," and to reflect on its weightiness and heaviness in your life.
How do you view it? How do you consider it? how are you framing it and thinking about it. And importantly, how are you experiencing it on a day to day basis?
A Reconsideration
Just lately I've been working long hours. But the process - and it is a process that we guide you through very thoroughly here at Camilla Slater Coaching - of reconsideration and reframing allows me to continue to work at this pace AND enjoy it...enjoy the challenge, enjoy the stimulation and enjoy the fruits and the rewards. It isn't so much work as play. It isn't so much hard and fun. It isn't so much boring as delightfully challenging.
When you learn how to do this through our unique approach, you learn to activate and increase
- energy levels
- health
- relaxation
- capacity for love
- capacity for joy
- flow
- spiritual delight
- and much more!
The Way TO Avoid Crash And Burn
Would you like to gain greater freedom, greater joy and a greater sense of your One True Life?
You can.
When you are tied to a negative mode of relationship and relating with work, you unconsciously drive yourself toward greater levels and more frequent cycles of crash and burn. It's important to avoid this and learn exactly HOW to approach work in new ways - to do this in a manner that is clear, clever and economical.
When you learn the skills and techniques we show you in our group programmes and in our elite one to one coaching, you really do learn to step off the mighty Crash and Burn Cycle that is often at the very centre of every small business person's life.
We show you how.
If you'd like to know more about true freedom from Crash and Burn reach out for a Discovery Call on Zoom.
Book in for a Free Discovery Call here
Your Discovery Session is a private and free 30 min discovery so you can REALLY map a path. Compassionate, clear, real and helpful. Begin to ReStory™ļø your life here. We open up a couple of slots each week for these. Best to book in as soon as you can...
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Already decided and been to a Discovery or The Fortnightly Zoom? Are you ready and willing to commit and take action? Elite Super 5 Coaching Package give you the starter foundation for transformative life change. Systemic and Integrated Coaching.
Talk to Camilla too, in your Discovery Call about your annual one to one Elite Coaching Programme and Group Programmes.
There's a wait list for the next Group Programme starting January...apply now to ensure your place.
Copyright Camilla Slater, 2022.
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