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Navigating Your World

coaching coaching and courses camilla slater coaching for women australia new zealand May 09, 2022
Flowers with Navigate Your World  Camilla Slater text

How do you navigate your path through your own personal world with the help of a Life Coach NZ like a Woman over 40?

What issues and problems do you face, short-term and long-term?

You might have a vision of yourself that is more fixed and stuck than it needs to be. 

While it's important to have a sense of who you are, it's also important to understand why and where that sense of self-identity comes from.

If you had a difficult early start or have adversity or ptsd in your background, or if you have low self esteem or depression, you might want to consider a new path that can help you thrive as a woman.

(This is where a Trauma Coach can be instrumental.)

How a Women's Life Coach Helps You Sort Out WHO You Are

What if you are far more than you think?

  What if your self-perception is limited by forces and experience that are embedded in you in ways that impact how you conduct yourself in daily life, but how you also create the path of your life? 

What does that actually mean for you? 

A Different Path For the Woman over 40

If you are already a client in our programmes or  private coaching you will already know of the sensitive and specialised ways we help clients recreate self-identity, self-perception and how you think and feel about yourself.

When you learn how to holistically unburden yourself, you also learn how to recreate self from a new perspective and vantage point. This leads to greater

  • agency
  • choice
  • empowerment
  • love
  • self care
  • freedom

The transformational work you undertakewith Camilla Slater Coaching is educational, fun, informative and compassionate.

It is grounded in a series of philosophies, methods and approaches that are integrated and holistic, and these give you the very best access to real substantial and ongoing change.

It is specifically designed for intelligent and interesting women - a woman over 40 like you, who has tried other forms of templated coaching or counselling, and who now wants to work with a more practical and supportive method that involves

  • talk and conversation
  • body work
  • breathing
  • holistic tools
  • creative tools 
  • and more

If that's you, we invite you to reach out and begin what will be a permanently transformative and incredibly beautiful experience with an Online Life Coach.

Sure, it can take a bit of skill and consistency (here's a bonus link to an article on Consistency here ) and just remember, it's never too late to change. 



You can come to the free, online, weekly CREATING YOUR PATH Zoom group.

These are a great opportunity for you to speak with me personally and learn about our approach and how we do things.


I look forward to meeting you personally, in the free group.

Love from Camilla xx



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