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When You Fail

Aug 30, 2022

It's early here on Arapito Farm.

There's a beautiful quiet. No pheasants calling this morning with their loud and raucous cry. Animals are asleep in their beds, scattered about the lounge room like darling princes and princelings! It's nice to cast over to them and see them snuggling there.

But today's writing isn't really about animals. It's about so-called "failure."  It's about the ways it can insidiously undermine you, even if you're the most doggedly determined and grounded of people. Has it impacted you?

So what is it and how does it wreak havoc in your life?

What is Failure?

The simple dictionary definition says failure is a "lack of success or the inability to meet an expectation."

And while many will focus on the former traditional definition - tying it in with financial or material gains or lack or that inability to reach goals, I'm more interested in failure as a way of being and a sensibility that prevents you from living as you want to live. 

When New Clients Call

The men and women who reach out to me are mostly over 40 and over 45. They range in age from anywhere between 23 to 85, but for the most part, they've achieved a degree of success in their lives, and are wonderful and rather incredible people. They are most often educated and have a profession or business and some spiritual or creative path, but they are STILL wracked with a sense of low-lying or even high-grade failure. 

What's interesting, is that this sense and sensibility - to use Austen's gorgeous term - is distinct from external achievements and their wonderful life capacities that can even include gorgeous family, great home, home ownership, and even living the "material dream" to some extent.

Can you relate at all?

You may experience some of these areas of apparent "success" and not others. Or you may experience them all. Ask yourself where you stand in relation to the sensibility that is failure?

Are you comparatively ok outwardly and yet there is a gnawing or a hankering or yearning in you that causes you to frequently undermine yourself in any number of areas?

This is really important stuff. Really important.

Because when you consider the stark reality of how you operate and how you are BEING AND DOING™ļø in the world, in this way, you open up to the very bright and magnificent possibility for deep change.

That Sneaking Feeling

This sensibility within you - this sense of "failure" is like a clandestine thief that steals the candelabras so you lose the beautiful the flickering candlelight; or it's like a sneaking interloper that makes its way into your heart and life, slowly and carefully dismantling its framework bit by bit or with a sudden plunder. It's also like a passive aggressive girl in the classroom, who's fuelled by inadequacy and jealousy, and who sets about stealing your favourite pen or pencil case. Remember?

It's that particular feeling that has the capacity to topple you or sidestep you from what might really be your One True Life.™ļø


So...what can you do?

My personal experience has been there are clear paths and ways forward IF you want to change this tendency. But let's be clear. (There are a few different types of failure and I am not talking about miraculously preventing the failure that occurs because of losing your possessions in flood, or because you have lost a lot in some kind of external tragedy.)

I'm talking about the kind of failure that is self-perpetuating and ingrained in you.

You can do a lot. A whole lot. And a beautiful lot.

First off you want to 

  • identify
  • consider
  • analyse
  • accept
  • set clear path forward

And while this list seems relatively simple, the reality is you really benefit best when you work with someone who does this with you. Then you tend to make substantial change and release yourself from failure sensibility.

You can find out more about the sensibility of failure and how it gnaws at you here and there - in that area or that one, or both, when you book in for A Discovery Conversation with me. They're an opportunity for you to start exploring this issue and why the path you've taken may need a little beautiful and poetic and active realignment.

ReStory your life and direction. xx


Book in for a Free Discovery Call here

Your Discovery Session is a private and free 30 min discovery so you can REALLY map a path. What path? YOUR path. Compassionate, clear, real and helpful. Begin to ReStory™ļø your life here. We open up a couple of slots each week for these. Best to book in as soon as you can...

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Talk to Camilla too, in your Discovery Call about your annual one to one Elite Coaching Programme and Group Programmes. 

There's a wait list for the next Group Programme starting January...apply now to ensure your place.  

Copyright Camilla Slater, 2022. 


















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