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Your Inherent Worth

coaching interconnection life coaching hamilton nz nervous system self self-creation systemic coaching trauma coach trauma healing Jan 21, 2023
A close-up of an apricot coloured bearded iris flower from Camilla Slater's regenerative farm garden in New Zealan, with the words "your Inherent Worth"

Your inherent worth does not have to be mediated through other people.

There is a spacious centre within you, a place, where clear and curious power resides.

Nor does it need to rely on words, or a raggle-taggle of frayed and frantic feelings -you know the ones - the ones that take you into frazzled thoughts and a maze of scattered energy until your day is dispersed and along with it, your sense of equanimity and sparkling joy.

This space and place within you is yours. It is found in every being.

It is found in the wise cat and the centred dog. It is found in the darting swallow and the clear-eyed jaguar, in the regal and kooky flamingo and the cheery, loping elephant with its fierce and pointed tusk.

And it is found in you. 

Your poetry is to live here-not always-but to source and tap into this spring as often as possible.

How do you tap this seam?

And once tapped…know this.

There is little to extract, because space and awareness are as free wheeling as air, as regular as breath, and as golden as the morning sunlight across your wildflowers.

You do not need to force or contain or contrive to meet with this spacious centre within you.

You just need to stop or slow down.

And it helps to reflect.

“How am I living?”

“What inanities and insanities am I buying into?”

“How do I hope to live?”

“Am I living clearly like the funghi and the seeding spores that drive the clouds that drive the rain?”

“Am I in tune with the natural flow of things?”

You are like the jaguar and elephant, the swallows and the wise cat.

You are golden.

You are precious.

Claim your spacious awareness today, as you go about your day.”


Camilla Slater, © 2023. All rights reserved.

Excerpt from the upcoming book “UNRAVEL” to be released  in 2024.



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It's a weekly meeting space and it's for women. 
It costs nothing. It's completely free. 

It's a thinking space. An ideas space. A healing space. A growing space. 
It's what I'm on about for you.

It's never too late.

Register here: 

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Love, Camilla x 


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